In our nutrition consulting we offer nutrition, exercise, and various lifestyle changes that help the human body to become stronger and function better. We will always encourage our clients to combine lifestyle changes with their doctors medical treatment. The healthier your body is, the better your medicine will work!


Our goal is to educate where we can help to bridge the gap between medical treatment and the various aspects of a healthy lifestyle. We believe that medicinal herbs can be included safely within your health and wellness journey to increase the benefits of all forms of medicine and wellness.


Learning to use food as medicine regardless of what your everyday looks like is so important! We handle each speaking event with personal care and individualized it specifically to help people feel empowered to take control of their health. We love to will work together to determine the best message for your group!

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Schedule your 15-30 minute session so we can find the right herbs for you and your goals!


We envision a world free of chronic disease, full of mental clarity, and enlightened spiritual energy. We believe in empowering others to experience a bio-individual state of living which prevents hinderance to your well-being and increases health span. We aspire to lead a vast movement of powerful, thriving people into their true health potential.